

Sogefi Filter Division

TECNOCAR: the brand preferred by many filters consumers throughout the world. Tecnocar is development-oriented continuous range to achieve a nearly total coverage of the assets - more than 2000 references to any need for filtration of the automotive industry (cars, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, off-road vehicles for agriculture and earth moving applications industrial). The brand recognized by many of the filters European and Japanese car manufacturers among the most reliable cooperation agreements for the development of product and undisputed specialist in filtration.


Oil Filters

The Tecnocar oil filter is a very technological and high quality product which ensures a high efficiency of vehicle operation. It consequently plays an essential part in the maintenance of the engine performance and in extending engine service life. This can only be achieved by replacing it at regular intervals, before the accumulation of retained particles lead to a pressure drop which would reduce its performance to a level where the filter is being bypassed. Tecnocar also designs and produces complete modules which include normal filtration functions, but also oil cooling, automatic drain, pressure and temperature sensing, oil filler pipe, valves, coolant circuit thermostat etc.


Fuel Filters

The range of Tecnocar fuel filters is perfectly meeting today’s requirements of the newest fuel filter systems for highest finesse and long service life. Tecnocar fuel filters are used on all combustion engines, either with diesel or petrol fuel. They are available with either metal or conductive plastic bodies and may be equipped also with mounting brackets.


Cabin Filters

Tecnocar highly effective cabin air filters remove more than 90% of all pollen and road dust particles entering into the car cabin without inhibiting the flow of fresh air. Depending on the environment Tecnocar cabin air filters also protect the driver from unpleasant odors and vapors.


Air Filters

Tecnocar products are manufactured in highly controlled conditions, ensuring dimensional stability, perfect fit into the filter housings, and no by-pass of unfiltered air around the filter. The very high quality of paper used in Tecnocar products is specially embossed in order to ensure optimum spacing of the pleats, and maximize the usable surface area. This together with the quality and consistency of paper impregnation ensures the maximum level of dust retention in the filter and air flow to the engine.

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