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Rolin Fluid Blue (code 8002)

Multi-season concentrated liquid for radiators, for protective action, anti-freeze and anti-boiling. It can also be used to top up, and is mixed with other coolants in a different color. First and only liquid that contains GLITECH 4100, a new inhibitor package. Due to its special formulation prevents the formation of sludge in the circuit harmful to the proper heat exchange. Where the existing softens preventing it from detaching. Lubricates water pump for effective over time. The ideal concentration, protects against freezing to -39°C and the boiling temperature of the radiator, in operating conditions, can reach +125°C. Prevents rust and scale in the presence of hard water, protecting the radiator over time. Provides double the standard duration: 4 years 100,000 km.


Rolin Alux Yellow (code 8004)

Multi-seasonal concentrated radiator liquid, yellow colored, for protective action, anti-freeze and anti-boiling. It can also be used to top up, and is mixed with other coolants in a different color. Protective radiators based Alusil 312, inhibitor package containing silicone silicate. It is opposed to the corrosive water in the cooling circuit, protecting the aluminum present in different parts of the motor, protecting it from corrosion, cavitation, and in general the dissolution. The ideal concentration (51%), protects against frost down to -39°C and the boiling temperature of the radiator, in operating conditions, can reach +125°C. Prevents rust and scale in the presence of hard water protecting the radiator over time.


Rolin Alux Purple (code 8005)

Multi-seasonal concentrated radiator liquid, purple colored, protective action, anti-freeze and anti-boiling. It can also be used to top up, and is mixed with other coolants color diverso.Grazie with its formula containing activated alumina, is directly opposed to the corrosive water in the cooling circuit, giving him the same aluminum parts inhibitor present in its package, protecting the aluminum present in different parts of the motor, protecting it from corrosion, cavitation, and in general the dissolution. The ideal concentration, protects against freezing to -39°C and the boiling temperature of the radiator, in operating conditions, can reach +125°C. Prevents rust and scale in the presence of hard water, protecting the radiator over time. Does not contain nitrites, borates, phosphates and amines, to secure a lower ecological impact.


Rolin Alux Red (code 8010)

Multi-seasonal concentrated radiator liquid, red colored, for protective action, anti-freeze and anti-boiling. It can also be used to top up, and is mixed with other coolants in a different color. Thanks to its formula containing activated alumina, is directly opposed to the corrosive water in the cooling circuit, giving him the same aluminum parts in the package its inhibitor, to protect the aluminum present in different parts of the engine, preserving corrosion, cavitation, and in general the dissolution. The ideal concentration, protects against freezing to -39 ° C and the boiling temperature of the radiator, in operating conditions, can reach 125 degrees C. Prevents rust and scale in the presence of hard water, protecting the radiator over time. Does not contain nitrites, borates, phosphates and amines, to secure a lower ecological impact.

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